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Electrolysis - Hair Removal

Often Clients have unwanted hair, which can be embarrassing and unsightly.  We welcome you to have a confidential consultation with our highly trained electrolysist to discuss your concerns and make a suitable plan to help rid you of your unwanted hair &  give you your confidence back.


What Is electrolysis


Electrolysis has been used for hundreds of years to safely and permanently remove hair from all skin tones, and all hair colours. It is the only FDA-approved permanent hair removal treatment. 


Electrolysis is a straightforward process in which an electric current passes through a needle inserted into a hair follicle and chemically changes the salt and water in the skin to produce sodium hydroxide. This chemical is caustic enough to kill the cells that generate hair growth. Electrolysis hair removal targets each individual hair follicle.


Electrolysis can be used all over the body, but is increasingly popular on the Upper lip, Chin, Cheeks and neck area.


How long will it take to remove my unwanted hair?


There is no exact answer to this due to each person’s personal hair growth patterns  and the area to be treated and the cause of the growth this can vary considerably from person to person. We usually work on small areas like the lip or chin for around 15-30 minutes at a time although longer can be booked if necessary. This all depends on the skin reaction throughout treatment, your pain threshold and the speed in which we are able to work. The healing process between treatments and the affordability element of each client. We will go through a thorough consultation during your first appointment and discuss a treatment plan that suits you


How many appointments will it take & how often do I need them ?


You can have an appointment as often as every 4 days as long as your skin is healing well between treatments. These will spread out further as the hairs start to diminish and they are coming through less frequently. Initially it is best to have appointments more regularly so we can reduce the amount of hair growth as quickly as possible.


Electrolysis is a progressive treatment therefor it will take more than 1 treatments to see results. This is because there are 3 different stages of hair growth: Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. The hairs need to be treated in the Anagen stage to be successfully treated which is when the hair has its own direct blood supply and can be cut off direct at its source of nutrients.


The other two phases are the resting phase and the transitional phase neither of which have their own blood supply. There is no way of telling what stage of growth each hair is at but a good indication a was in the fully-grown stage is if it has a good-sized bulb attached to it and it has an inner root sheath. This is why a number of treatments are recommended to ensure the hairs are all caught at the Anagen stage at some point throughout treatment.


How can I manage my hair growth between treatments?


If you are conscious of the hairs coming through between treatments, we advise you shave the hairs back to the skin as often as you feel necessary.


How long do I have to let the hairs grow before treatment?


The hairs need to be at least 1-2 mm long which is usually around 48 hours from when you last shave. We do not recommend waxing over the duration of treatment as this can affect the hair growth cycle.


Will it be painful?


There is a slight pain element, but this is easily tolerated, and we will work at a pace that is comfortable for you.


Will there be any irritation?


There may be some redness and the skin will feel a little tender after treatment but nothing to uncomfortable. The redness usually subsided within a day and we advise using a cooling Aloe gel after your appointment. You will be sent home with a complementary tube after your 1st treatment and further purchases are available in the Salon.


What aftercare is needed?


  • Avoid sun exposure for 72 hours after treatment, the skin may feel hot and this may aggravate it further as well as risking the formation of small pigment patches sure to the melanin in your skin which acts as a protector. Always wear a sunscreen.

  • Discontinue using Accutane for at least 6 months before treatment and avoid using Retin A, Tazorac or and Retinoids for at least one week before treatment.

  • Do not wash or apply anything other than your advised after care to the treated area for at least 24 hours post treatment. This should be done after thoroughly washing your hands and using clean cotton wool.

  • Do not touch or pick at the area after treatment. If small scabs form avoid picking or knocking them and allow them to sloth off by themselves, to avoid risk of scarring.

  • Do not apply any alcohol-based products, you can apply witch hazel if needed.

  • Avoid saunas and steam rooms. Avoid excessive sweating in general. Sweat can cause a build-up of bacteria which can cause infections.

  • Remember some regrowth is is to be expected. If you return as soon as the first regrowth begins to appear then the hair will be shorter and weaker.




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